6 ways to cope with becoming an empty-nest syndrome

Studies show that 96% of parents don’t feel ready for their children to leave home...

Vitamin D – what’s the best way to increase our levels?

Some of us are deficient in vitamin D, particularly during the winter, but are supplements the only answer?

Do I need a protein powder? – with Liz Earle

Liz is answering your questions on fashion in your fifties, grief and dating, protein powders, and vaginal oestrogen.

Why strong bones save lives, with Kate Muir

With 50% of women over the age of 50 expected to get a fracture due to osteoporosis, women's health expert and campaigner Kate Muir joins Liz on this podcast to ask why our bone health isn't getting airtime.

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Friday Five: Immunity with Dr Jenna Maccioci

In this week’s episode of the Friday Five, Liz speaks to Dr Jenna Macciochi, an experienced immunologist and author of Immunity: the science of staying well. They talk about what to eat and how to shake up your lifestyle for long lasting health. They dive into the importance of fibre for our gut health and […]

Back pain – top treatment tips

Michael Furlong, the Clinic Director at the Balance Health Centre in Liverpool, explains the causes of back pain and the treatment options.