Are barefoot shoes really better for our health?

With some pairs costing upwards of £100, are they really worth the investment?

Kidney disease in midlife: why it’s an overlooked women’s health concern

An estimated 22% of adults over the age of 35 have it.

“Here’s how I care for my teeth and keep breath fresh”

Liz shares her top tips for a healthy mouth.

6 easy ingredient swaps for better heart health

We ask the experts to reveal the easy food swaps we can make to help keep our ticker happy.

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Friday Five: Does HRT cause cancer?

Liz explores the cancer risks of HRT and scalding hot tea; shares a word from a top menopause medic and a recipe for gut-friendly pickled rhubarb.

Vaginal lasers with Aly Dilks

Today, we're taking a deep dive into our nether regions - we'll be talking designer vaginas, vaginal atrophy and how the latest in laser tech can help.

Friday Five: The truth about HRT

For International Women's Day, Liz discusses the misinformation surrounding HRT and the launch of her new myth-busting e-guide - The Truth about HRT.