“I’m a wellbeing expert – you’ll always find these 6 healthy essentials in my kitchen”

We share a sneak peek inside Liz's pantry and her healthy kitchen essentials.

Is ultra-processed food changing your brain? – with Lucinda Miller

Naturopath Lucinda Miller joins Liz on this podcast to reveal how what we put into our mouths influences what happens in our brains.

6 incontinence myths we need to stop believing

Research indicates that over 50% of post-menopausal women experience incontinence.

“Why I stopped counting calories in midlife”

Liz explains why counting calories is a waste of time.

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Menopause with Liz Earle

In this episode of Wellness with Liz Earle, Liz talks about about the menopause, and what steps we can take to make this as great a time as possible!
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