
A simple guide to morning meditation

Studies have shown that mindfulness – the practice of taking time to tune into the present moment – can improve our mental wellbeing. Carving out this time for morning meditation and to pay attention to how we’re feeling, can help us to understand ourselves better and find joy in the day to day.

These 5 simple steps will help you bring mindfulness into your life through just five minutes of morning meditation. We’ve also included a soothing playlist at the end of the article to help you to tune into your breath and declutter your mind, wherever you may be.

  1. Choose a tidy, clean and quiet space, ideally with an open window to get fresh air circulating throughout the room.
  2. Turn your phone onto aeroplane mode to avoid any distractions and set an alarm for just five minutes (start with this and you can build it up with time.)
  3. Lay some padding on the floor and settle into a comfortable position with your back straight – sitting against a wall may help here. Try to avoid the bed as your mind associates this with sleep and you want to be alert.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Don’t try to control your breath, just follow the flow of it gently as you breathe in and out through your nose.
  5. If your mind tries to bring up any worries or thoughts, simply acknowledge them and then draw your attention back to your breathing until the time is up.

Still struggling to tune out distractions? Try tuning into this mindfulness playlist:

With thanks to Dylan Ayaloo, founder of Hot Power Yoga,

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