Wellbeing New Year resolutions from Liz and the team
Have you made any resolutions for New Year? The arrival of January 1st offers a fresh start and is the perfect time to set good intentions for the coming year.
Here, Liz and her team of Wellbeing Warriors share their resolutions for New Year – ideal if you’re in need of a little inspiration!
Wellbeing New Year resolutions
Liz, Editor-in-Chief
I’ll be continuing my cold showers and aiming to increase from 60 to 90 seconds! I’ll also be setting aside 20 minutes in the day (at some point!) for a spot of quiet meditation. Will make these a daily must-do.
Instead of deciding it all now though, I’m making it my resolution to be open to discovering new ways to make life better, in every sense. So I’m planning to leave a bit of space in each day for “me”, to further explore ways that will benefit my wellbeing. And I look forward to sharing my discoveries!
Polly, Managing Editor
For me, I’m going to concentrate on devoting some time to creativity in 2023. I’ve put my creative self to one side for way too long, concentrating instead on fitness in my free time, believing that’s what would be good for me, but I’m no longer sure about that.
Fitness gives me an instant feel-good hit, but it disappears pretty quickly. When I engage in a creative activity, however, I just adore it, and it makes me feel good all day long. It’s such a noticeable boost for my mental health. And there’s nothing more important than that.
Ellie, Magazine Editor
I worked hard at building my strength in 2022, progressing to a barbell squat of my own bodyweight (such an empowering milestone!) and then all the way up to 100kg.
I’ve always thought of myself as a flexible person (I can touch my toes no problem) but going on this strength-training journey has highlighted to me that I’m not quite as mobile as I’d like to be. This shows up most in my ankles and in my hips – a legacy of too much time sat at my desk. Simple mobility exercises practiced daily should make a noticeable difference so that’s what I’m committed to giving a try.
I’ll also be habit-stacking — adding 5-10 minutes of mobility training on top of an already established daily habit (in my case a 10 minute morning meditation) to be sure that I’ve squeezed it in before the day runs away with me. I’ll know I’ve achieved my goal when I can squat 100kg below 90 degrees or ‘ass to grass’ as my trainer likes to say. Watch this space!
Sara, Non-executive Director
My New Year’s resolution is a continuation from this year when I gave up smoking; which I hope to stick to in 2023 (and beyond!).
I’m about to turn 60 and become a grandma so it’s time to up the exercise, drop the takeaways, cut back on the wine and stop phone scrolling in the middle of the night. Oh and restart yoga. Again.
Betty, Commercial Manager
For me it’s all about finding a bit of balance this New Year. From settling into a new home and getting back to hosting for my nearest and dearest, to keeping up with regular exercise classes that keep me energised throughout the week. Not forgetting my BetterYou Vitamin D, which I find is a really helpful mood booster in winter months. Use LIZLOVES to save 15% off at BetterYou.
Importantly, I want to dedicate more time to properly switching off. An ishga Seaweed Bath, a Beauty Pie scented candle and evenings curled up with an addictive book – heaven! Use LIZLOVES to save 15% at ishga.
Rachel, Social Media Manager
I’m heading into 2023 with a couple of resolutions for my health – both mental and physical. I’m going to get back into the habit of drinking 2.25 litres of water every day, and I’m also going to prioritise my 6.30am daily workout schedule – sounds tough but I know I’ll always feel better for it.
I’m also going to cut down on my screen time in the evening, (which can be tough as a social media manager!) and encourage myself to live in the moment rather than focussing on the future too much.
Amy, Head of Digital
Lots of naughty habits have crept in over the past year, so I’m looking forward to resetting in 2023. I’m definitely going to be giving Dry January a go (you can read about the benefits of cutting down on booze here). I also want to book myself a yoga retreat and maybe even have a go at fasting!
Otherwise, I’m also going to commit to daily movement by getting in 10,000 steps a day and going to the gym at least three times a week. I always feel better for it – it’s time to get back on track!
Leni, In-house Photographer and Image Editor
I don’t really do resolutions, but I like to have a word or phrase as a theme for the year. I think 2023’s will be to live with more trust than fear in all areas of life, to have the courage to try new things, to continue learning, to live authentically, to have deeper connections with friends and family, to not be fearful of the future, and to embrace the highs and lows of life!
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