Sweet treats

Hot cross bun bread and butter pudding recipe


Our spin on a classic bread and butter pudding recipe is perfect for Easter celebrations. It’s a great way to use up stale hot cross buns. Plus, it works just as well with croissants too. Enjoy with friends as a great accompaniment to a steaming mug of tea.

With a warming blend of spices, it’s something of a crowd pleaser. This one tastes best straight from the oven, so serve immediately with just a dusting of icing sugar. Delicious!

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  • 350ml whole milk
  • 350ml double cream
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 tsp allspice
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground cardamom
  • 1 star anise
  • 4 medium organic eggs
  • 150g golden caster sugar
  • 6 hot cross buns
  • Approx 75g soft salted butter, for spreading
  • 60g raisins
  • Zest of an orange
  • Icing sugar to serve


  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/340°F/gas mark 3. Start by making the custard. Heat the milk and cream in a heavy-based saucepan until it comes to the boil, then remove from the heat.
  2. Slice the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape the seeds out into the creamy milk, then stir in the remaining spices and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  3. Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a bowl until pale and doubled in volume. This should take about five minutes. Return the milk to the boil, then slowly pour the hot milk into the eggs, whisking continuously. Slice the hot cross buns in half and spread each with a little butter, then lay into a 20x30cm oven dish. Sprinkle over the raisins and orange zest, then slowly pour the custard all over to cover the buns.
  4. Pour the remaining custard into a saucepan and heat gently, stirring constantly for seven to eight minutes until it thickens. Set aside in a jug and keep warm.
  5. Place the pudding dish in a larger oven dish or deep baking tray, and half fill the outside tray with warm water to make a ‘bain-marie’. This will help the pudding cook evenly.
  6. Carefully transfer to the oven and cook for 45 minutes, until the pudding has a golden crust and is set but retains a slight wobble. Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately.