“Starting a new job in midlife cured my loneliness”

Thelma Mensah reveals how starting a new job in retail at the age of 52 had unexpected benefits…

6 ways to cope with empty-nest syndrome

Studies show that 96% of parents don’t feel ready for their children to leave home...

The expert’s guide to dealing with personality changes in your partner

For those of us who met our partner in our 20s or 30s, chances are that – some years on – their likes and behaviours have naturally evolved.

The midlife career crisis: thinking of quitting your job? Read this first

We might think that levels of career dissatisfaction would be greatest as we edge towards retirement – but research suggests otherwise.

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Practising gratitude with Lilah Fear

At just 18 Lilah is a British national champion and is on track for the 2022 Winter Olympics. She shares how gratitude has changed her mental health.

Mental health with Ruth Williams

Liz chats with psychologist, Ruth Williams, from Department Store for the Mind. Join them as they discuss how we can help look after our mental health.
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