Healthy Food

Wholemeal blackberry Bakewell tart recipe


Discover our take on a Derbyshire classic – the Bakewell tart.

Traditionally sweetened with generous layers of raspberry jam, we’ve opted for blackberry here instead. Blackberry jam leftover from this autumn’s foraging would be perfect for this recipe, but a shop-bought favourite works just as well.

We’ve used a low-sugar blackberry jam here to cut down on refined sugar. If you want more tips for reducing sugar in your baking, check out our guide here.

To make your own vanilla sugar, simply slice open a vanilla bean, scoop out the seeds and mix both the seeds and the bean into a bag of caster sugar. Place the sugar in a jar and leave for 1 week to infuse. If you don’t have any vanilla sugar, just use caster sugar and add 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

More low-sugar bakes

Wellbeing Wisdom

Blackberries contain the antioxidant anthocyanin, which can help to guard against premature skin ageing.



    • 200g wholemeal flour
    • Pinch of salt
    • 60g sieved icing sugar
    • 100g cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes
    • 1 medium egg, beaten


    • 150g butter
    • 150g vanilla caster sugar
    • 3 medium free-range eggs, beaten
    • 150g ground almonds
    • 1/2 tsp almond extract
    • 4 tbsp low-sugar blackberry jam
    • Handful of flaked almonds
    • Icing sugar, to serve


    1. To make the pastry, place the flour, salt and icing sugar into the bowl of a food processor. Tip in the cubed butter and stir a little to separate the cubes. Pulse until it resembles fine breadcrumbs, then with the engine running, add beaten egg through the feeder tube. As soon as the dough comes together in a ball, remove from the food processor, flatten slightly, cover in cling film and chill for 15 minutes.
    2. While the dough is chilling, preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/gas mark 5. Roll out the chilled pastry and use it to line a 23cm tart tin with fluted sides, pressing it gently into the fluting and trimming off any overhanging edges. Prick the base of the tart gently with a fork, line with a sheet of baking paper and pour baking beans on top. Bake for 15 minutes, then remove the baking beans and return to the oven for another 15 minutes until gently golden. Take out of the oven and set aside to cool slightly.
    3. Now make the filling. Cream the butter and vanilla sugar together until light and fluffy, and add the beaten eggs, ground almonds and almond extract, mixing well until it is completely combined. Spread the blackberry jam evenly over the base of the tart case, and dollop the almond filling evenly over the top, using a knife to smooth the surface. Scatter the flaked almonds over the top and bake for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.
    4. If the flaked almonds start to brown too quickly, place a loose sheet of foil over the top. Serve warm or leave to cool, then sieve over a little icing sugar.