Mental Health

A simple meditation for the end of the day

Meditation is a calming practice that we can call upon at any time. This simple meditation can be a straightforward one to do at the end of the day, helping you to unwind for the evening.

A simple meditation for the end of the day

How to prepare

Meditation can prove challenging if we’re feeling distracted, so make sure you can take yourself off for a few moments without being disturbed. Pop a ‘do-not-disturb’ sign on the door if needed. If you have to have it with you, put your phone on silent or, better still, airplane mode.

It’s also important to ensure you’re comfortable. When your body feels relaxed, it’ll be easier for your mind to quieten. Find a sitting position on the floor that you can comfortably maintain for several minutes, or sit upright in a chair with your feet planted on the floor. Alternatively, you may prefer to lie down. Also ensure you’re warm enough – this will help your body to relax too.

Once comfortable, set a timer for how long you would like to practice for and place this to one side. Whether you have five minutes or an hour, it all counts!

Begin the meditation

Read through these instructions a couple of times before you begin your practice.

  1. In your chosen seated position, lower the gaze or close your eyes.
  2. Feel where your body connects with the ground beneath you.
  3. Slowly, begin to turn your awareness to the breath, noticing the air move in and out of the nose.
  4. As slowly and as mindfully as you can, chronologically go through your morning after waking. From the shower gel you used and the temperature of the water, to the socks you wore and what you ate for breakfast, go through each detail slowly and methodically.
  5. Remain focused on recounting your morning activities until the timer goes off.
  6. After the timer, take a few steady breaths and gently bring yourself back to the present moment before opening your eyes.

Reflecting on your experience

Journalling can be a great way to reflect upon your meditation and keep a track of your practice. If you’re not sure what to write, these prompts can help you to get started. And remember – there are no wrong answers!

  • How did you find the meditation?
  • Did anything surprise you about the meditation?
  • Did you encounter any challenges?
  • How do you feel after the meditation?

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