Sweet treats

Rhubarb panna cotta with ginger crumb recipe


Rhubarb is one of the first vegetables to appear in spring. What better way to make the most of the season’s bounty than with a delicious panna cotta recipe? Topped with a warming, crunchy ginger crumb, it’s the perfect pud to herald the arrival of warmer, brighter days.

Fun fact – as perennial as they are pink, rhubarb plants can live for 60 years or more! With this in mind, it’s useful to have a wealth of recipes that you can refer back to, ready for when you get a glut.

More than just a pretty plant, rhubarb actually contains a number of wellbeing benefits. It owes its bold colour to the presence of anthocyanins. These anti-oxidants can help to mop up damaging free radicals that our body creates as a natural part of metabolism.

Anthocyanins are actually some of the most powerful flavonoid antioxidants, helping to protect against inflammation in the body. Research also suggests that anthocyanins may be helpful for those with joint issues, as they can help to reduce inflammation and promote collagen production.

Even more reason to indulge in our delicious panna cotta recipe!

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  • 500g rhubarb, cut into 2cm pieces
  • 60g golden caster sugar
  • 6 gelatin leaves
  • 600ml double cream
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 50g ginger snap biscuits


  1. Add the rhubarb and sugar to a saucepan and gently cook on a low heat for five to 10 minutes until the rhubarb has softened. Set to one side to cool for a minute, then pour 400ml of the warm juice into a measuring jug, and spoon the rhubarb chunks into four large tumblers. Reserve any remaining syrup in the pan to serve.
  2. Soak two of the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes, then gently squeeze to remove any water before adding to the warm syrup. Stir well until the gelatin has completely dissolved. Pour over the rhubarb in each glass, leave to cool, then put in the fridge to chill and set.
  3. Meanwhile, make the panna cotta by soaking the four remaining gelatin leaves in cold water for 10 minutes. Add the cream, ginger powder and vanilla to a saucepan and heat gently until just before it comes to boil. Leave to cool.
  4. Drain and squeeze the gelatin leaves as before and dissolve completely in the cream, stirring well. The set aside and leave to cool. Divide equally between the four glasses on top of the rhubarb and return the desserts to the fridge to set for at least 20 minutes.
  5. To make the ginger crumb, simply blitz the biscuits in a food processor until finely chopped, then sprinkle over the panna cottas. Serve with the remaining rhubarb syrup drizzled over the top.