
7 easy ways to reduce sugar cravings and kick the habit

Many of us want to quit sugar and reduce our cravings, but it’s often easier said than done, especially when we have a sweet tooth.

Here, we reveal exactly why sugar is so addictive and share some simple tips for reducing cravings.

What sugar does to our bodies

One of the reasons that sugar is so hard to quit is because it’s incredibly addictive.

After a bite of something sweet, sugar causes our brain to release a surge of feel-good chemicals, including serotonin. After the initial high, our body will be left wanting more, creating cravings for sugar and potentially leading to a longer-term addiction.

If that wasn’t enough, it seems our love of sweet foods is actually part of our evolution. The general consensus among scientists is that being able to detect sweet things helped our ancient ancestors to survive.

Sweetness signals the presence of sugars which, in days gone by, were an excellent source of calories. Ideal when days were spent foraging for hours on end. But when we’re sat at the computer each day? Not so much.

How to reduce sugar cravings

Give it a minute

We might find ourselves hunting for a chocolate bar at the back of the fridge as 4pm hits. Now is the time to pause and think. Do we actually want something sweet, or are our bodies trying to tell us something else?

Notice where the source of the craving is coming from. Is it hunger? Tiredness? Boredom?

Identifying the source of the craving can help us to consider better ways to support our needs. It might be getting outside for a walk or drinking a glass of water. If we’re genuinely hungry, a high-protein, low-carb snack will help us to feel fuller for longer.

Reduce slowly

If chocolate is an Achille’s heel, we can swap milky varieties for a darker alternative.

Liz is a big fan of dark chocolate as an indulgent treat but it can be bitter when our palate isn’t used to it. The trick is to ease in gradually. Start with a bar that has a minimum of 70% cocoa solids. The more we become used to the flavour, the higher percentage of cocoa solids we can opt for in a bar.

The better quality dark chocolate we consume, the more health benefits there are to enjoy, too. For instance, studies suggest that dark chocolate is more filling than milk chocolate, and can also help to reduce cravings for salty, fatty or sugary items.

Balance our blood sugar

Considering how we start each day is key. Reaching for a sugary bowl of cereal in the morning is probably setting us up for craving something sweet later in the day.

Instead, we can opt for nutritious sources – a boiled egg with some grilled veggies, for example – to keep blood sugar levels stable and feeling fuller for longer.

Quality zzzs

While it can be tempting to use something sweet as a quick pick-me-up, low energy levels could be a sign that we’re not sleeping well at night.

Poor sleep directly impacts the food choices we make the next day. If we’re tired, we’re more likely to eat high-sugar foods to keep us going.

Overeating – especially sweet treats and junk food – has been linked to a lack of sleep, so it’s important to practice good sleep hygiene when we’re trying to kick the sugar habit.

Aim to go to bed at the same time each night, and resist the temptation to scroll on your phone at nighttime. Liz shares her tips for a good night’s sleep here.

Plus, don’t forget that menopause can also impact our sleep too. Fluctuating hormone levels, along with menopausal symptoms like anxious thoughts and night sweats, can disrupt our sleep and cause havoc with our energy levels. A HRT prescription can help to alleviate symptoms.

Slow down eating

Many of us finish a meal only to immediately fancy something sweet. But, it could be a sign that we need to take things a little slower.

It can take up to 20 minutes after eating to feel full, so it’s key that we slow our eating and take time chewing each piece. In doing so, we’ll also help our digestion, making it easier on the gut.

Don’t get super hungry

Avoiding snacks between meals might seem beneficial if we’re watching our weight, but feeling super hungry between meals increases the likelihood that we reach for something sweet, or make unhealthy choices come dinnertime.

Planning meals ahead and making sure they’re nutritionally dense will ensure we feel satisfied for longer. Making smart snack choices (such as veggie crudites or a small portion of cheese) can help to keep us going between meals and, in time, reduce sugar cravings.

Take it easy

A little treat every now and then can do the world of good!

There are a number of low-sugar alternatives to enjoy, including plenty of recipes on Liz Earle Wellbeing to enjoy. Try Liz’s dried fruit and spelt menopause cake, or for a chocolatey treat, make our almond, chocolate and berry shortcake with dark chocolate.

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