Women's health

Susannah Constantine: “My children are the nutritional police with me!”

We caught up with novelist and journalist, Susannah Constantine, to find out how she navigates the world of wellness, from prioritising protein to embracing cold water.

Susannah Constantine on living well

What would you say are your wellness non-negotiables?

Being an alcoholic, no alcohol. I try to run at least three times a week. We have an industrial-sized water filter at home too. And I have a cold shower or get into an unheated pool, the sea or my cold water barrel at least five times a week.

I ensure I eat three proper protein-heavy meals a day to prevent snacking, I don’t eat much fruit apart from apples but I do eat loads of vegetables and cook them fresh daily. We try to avoid ultra-processed food at home where possible, too.

How has your approach to wellness changed throughout the years?

I have definitely become more health conscious as I’ve gotten older and my sobriety has been replaced by an addiction to chocolate, but I am very conscious of what I put into my body. I used to eat whatever and whenever I wanted to and never put on weight or got ill. Longevity is vital to me now.

Has this influenced how you approach health with your children?

I’ve always been very conscious about feeding my children well. They always had cut fruit in the morning and plenty of vegetables. As a result, they all eat well now.

I prefer them to take natural alternatives where possible when it comes to prescription medication. I’ve always paid particular attention to listed side effects.

For example, instead of them going on any harsh medications for their problem skin, we found Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Accumax miraculous for calming and clearing their skin. It’s completely free from any harsh chemicals.

It’s incredibly effective for any teenager or adult that suffers from bad skin, but without any long-term side effects and nasty ingredients. Just vitamins A, C and E and other nutrients that work brilliantly for their skin from the inside.

Have your children taught you any healthy habits?

Yes – matcha tea is a great alternative to coffee and gives you energy without the anxiety that often accompanies caffeine. They are the nutritional police with me! If I’m eating too much (normally chocolate) they will pick me up on it.

And finally, what is one piece of essential wellness advice that you think all women should know?

I am aware that as we age, women should prioritise protein. I try to eat tuna, eggs, cottage cheese, avocados – and kippers, which as oily fish, are great for your heart too. Plus, I always have full fat milk and coconut water (which is high in potassium) in the fridge.

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