
I’m a nutritionist – here are 4 ways to eat healthy while travelling

Heading off on holiday should be a tonic for our health, offering a long-awaited opportunity to switch off, connect with loved ones and treat our palates (and gut bugs) to new foods and flavours. However, travelling and being at the mercy of service station or aeroplane fodder can wreak havoc with trying to eat healthy.

Without our favourites ready at hand, morning kefir may get swapped for a soggy croissant, and poached eggs for a packet of crisps. It’s no wonder we get tired and crabby, says nutritional therapist Farzanah Nasser.

Here, she shares her strategies for fuelling ourselves with the good stuff while away. The secret? A little prep ahead of time can make all the difference.

4 ways to eat healthy while travelling

Nail your travel days

Whether travelling by car, taking a short flight or going long haul, don’t show up empty handed. Packing a few essentials can make all the difference. First on my list is blood-sugar-balanced snacks – so important for keeping me and my family fuelled and happy. Look for anything that contains proteins and fats in addition to carbohydrates.

Eat out smart

When eating out for either lunch or dinner, look for options that contain protein (chicken, fish or tofu) and pair with two or three veggie sides. Starting with a green salad is also wise. Greens like rocket, kale and watercress are all bitter foods that help stimulate the digestive enzymes that help us break down our foods. The extra fibre can also limit your blood sugar response, helping to keep you feeling more energised and fuller for longer.

If you find your digestion goes haywire while eating unfamiliar foods, take a digestive enzyme supplement with main meals. My favourite is from Pure Encapsulations.

Have wellbeing essentials to hand

You’ll always find Manuka honey lozenges in my luggage for their antibacterial properties. We’re exposed to vast number of germs while
travelling and the last thing we want is to get sick on holiday.

My favourite is from The True Honey Co, which is high-strength (MGO 400). I also love Indi Body for an extra hit of antioxidants that support
energy. Finally, I always pack Dreem Distillery CBD Bed Balm to soothe any travel stress and rub into my temples if I have a headache.

Start the day right

If you’re staying in self-catering accommodation, stock the fridge with all your usual breakfast favourites. But, if you’re at a hotel, be discerning about choices at the breakfast buffet.

Eggs are a good option and a great way to get in some protein to support energy levels. Add a bowl of mixed fruit on the side for antioxidants, plant diversity and phytochemicals (nature’s multivitamin). Yoghurt is another great option. Greek yoghurt is even better as it contains higher levels of protein. Add some fruit and a drizzle of nut butter for a quick and easy energising breakfast.

Avoid starting the day with croissants or cakes. The sugars in these foods get absorbed very quickly, which can make blood sugar levels spike and crash throughout the day. If you want to try these sweet treats, be sure to have them at the end of your breakfast and not the beginning – this will help to buffer the sugar hit and limit its impact on how you feel.

Stock up on Farzanah’s travel essentials

Pure Encapsulations Digestive Enzymes Ultra

Take with your main meal to support a happy, healthy tum and promote better digestion.

True Manuka Honey Lozenges

Soothing throat lozenges that easily pop in your bag or suitcase.

Indi Body

Support energy levels on long, busy days with these handy sachets.

Dreem Distillery CBD Bed Balm

Sleep soundly and soothe travel stresses with this go-to balm.

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