
Fertility and acupuncture with Emma Cannon

Liz is joined by Emma Cannon, fertility expert and author of bestsellers The Baby Making Bible and Fertile. She has over 20 years clinical experience helping women achieve their dream of growing their family.

A mind-body approach, Emma offers acupuncture, nutrition advice, diagnostic testing and emotional support through assisted fertility treatments. She also treats women seeking relief from difficult symptoms during pregnancy, postpartum, the menopause and cancer treatment. She joins Liz in the Wellbeing Studios to talk about fertility, IVF and later life.

You can stream the episode below, or download the recording via iTunes or Stitcher:

Topics discussed in the episode:

  • What led Emma to be a fertility expert in the beginning?
  • How acupuncture can help during IVF and fertility more generally?
  • Emma explains the difference between fertile infertile and sub fertile.
  • Why is sub-fertility on the increase?
  • What are the causes in failed ovulation? And why is it increasingly common in the 20s-30s due to extreme lifestyles of restricted eating, over exercise and over working?
  • Liz and Emma discuss the importance of nutrition and fertility.
  • Emma discusses her journey to and training in Chinese medicine, and diagnostics.
  • What is the importance of gut health in fertility?
  • Emma discusses her Body Mind Gut programme at her clinic.
  • Liz and Emma discuss intermittent fasting and altering foods and individual diets.
  • Emma explains why fertility is a peripheral need to the body, and what we can do to optimise it.
  • Emma discusses how we can progress from a state of “flight or fight”, to “feed and greed”.
  • Emma discusses women who want to preserve fertility through cancer treatment, and how to help this.
  • Emma explains the support she offers for women going through peri-menopause and menopause.

Further resources: