
Oestrogen, fasting, medical cannabis: Liz’s 2023 highlights

As 2023 draws to a close, Liz reflects on some of the podcast conversations that she feels we need to take heed of as we think about taking care of our mental and physical health in the new year.

Liz reveals the episodes you found most useful, and talks through the ways these conversations have impacted her own life too.

The episode shares highlights from Avrum Bluming on oestrogen and why it matters, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni on how hormones influence the brain, Mary Biles on medicinal cannabis and the endocannabinoid system, Chris van Tulleken on ultra-processed foods and dementia, and Dr Jason Fung on intermittent fasting for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Stream the episode below, or download the recording via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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