How to stop doubting yourself, with Tara Mohr
Are you your own worst critic? Expert in women’s leadership and wellbeing Tara Mohr chats to Liz on this podcast to reveal how to find your calling, have courage, and play big in midlife.
Liz and Tara discuss how we can stop doubting ourselves as women, share advice on playing bigger in our personal and professional lives, plus how we can let go of people pleasing.
The episode also dives into confidence and self-trust building hacks, dealing with criticism, and Tara reveals how giving up sugar was transformative for her.
Stream the episode below, or download the recording via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Links mentioned in the episode:
- Tara Mohr on Instagram
- Playing Big by Tara Mohr
- Tara Mohr website
- A Better Second Half by Liz Earle
- Have a question for Liz? Send a WhatsApp message or voicenote to 07518 471846, or email us at [email protected] for the chance to be featured on the show
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