Do I need a protein powder? – with Liz Earle
This week, Liz is answering your questions on fashion in your fifties, dating when grieving, protein powders, and vaginal oestrogen.
Inside this episode, Liz gives her top tips to Hope on finding her style in her 50s, and covers all-things vaginal oestrogen for Diane and SD.
Liz also shares her advice for dating when dealing with grief in midlife, and reveals her thoughts on protein powders for Marion.
Stream the episode below, or download the recording via Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Links mentioned in the episode:
- Trinny Woodall on Instagram
- My Best Friend’s Wardrobe
- Aspiga website – get free P&P with the code LIZLOVES
- The midlife muscle crisis, with Gabriella Lyon
- A Better Second Half by Liz Earle
- Email us your questions at [email protected] or leave a voicemail, text, WhatsApp message or WhatsApp voicenote our number – 07518 471846 for the chance to be featured on the shop
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