11 strategies Liz swears by for a healthy immune system
As the chillier months arrive, our thoughts may begin to turn to how we can best support our immune system.
“A strong and healthy immune system is key for being better able to fight off all kinds of bad bugs,” explains Liz. “Obviously, there’s no silver bullet when it comes to staying well, so taking a broad approach to wellbeing is the best way support stronger immunity.”
Here Liz explains the personal measures she uses to support her immune system – from upping her vitamin C intake and using herbal remedies to prioritising sleep.
Liz’s top tips for a healthy immune system
Vitamin C
Interesting research has linked very high doses of vitamin C to fighting off viruses.
“I’ve often wondered why the double Nobel Prize winner Professor Linus Pauling should stake his entire reputation on taking unusually high doses of vitamin C,” says Liz. “Perhaps he really was onto something when he was slated for advocating 2,000 milligrams daily back in the early 1970s.”
“Recently, I’ve been taking Altrient’s liposomal vitamin C. This has been proven to provide higher rates of absorption than other forms.
Garlic capsules
Another firm favourite of Liz’s, especially during the chillier months, is garlic capsules.
“I’ve taken them throughout the winter for years and tended not to get colds or flu,” she admits. “It’s always hard to pinpoint which supplement is working the best, but several studies show that the antibacterial activity for garlic is sound.
“I feel better for taking them and I take two high-strength capsules daily during the colder months. I particularly like the ‘aged’ garlic extracts. These don’t have the aroma yet retain the antioxidant sulfur compounds needed for potency.”
Herbal extracts
“Elderberry extract is something I’ve given my children for literally decades now, since first exploring its anti-viral properties back in the 80s,” explains Liz. “Recently, I’ve also added in a daily spoonful of thyme extract to my personal bug-busting regime. The whole family is enjoying a couple of spoonfuls of both elderberry syrup and thyme extract every morning.”
Both traditional herbal remedies have been shown to have anti-viral properties. Thyme is especially highlighted as a herb helpful for supporting the upper respiratory tract.
“Another botanical I’ve started to add into my daily regime is olive leaf extract,” shares Liz. “Used for centuries to help support a healthy immune system, this natural elixir is packed with potent polyphenols from oleuropein, a highly effective free-radical scavenger. As well as supporting the immune system, olive leaf extract has also been shown to be helpful for heart health as well as help regulate blood sugars.
“I especially like the Comvita range of olive leaf extracts, made from fresh leaves and not dried extracts or powders, which have more potency. By using fresh leaves, harvested at sunrise before the sun overly dries the leaf, more of its natural goodness is retained.”
Holy basil is another herb hero of Liz’s.
“This is known as one of the most effective rejuvenators of the respiratory system and is often used in Ayurvedic cough syrups for this reason,” says Liz. “It appears to help mobilise mucus, which may be potentially useful for symptoms such as congestion and the tickly coughs. Certain plant chemicals also help with swelling and inflammation that can cause discomfort.”
The Naked Pharmacy Immune Hero is formulated with holy basil, alongside vitamin C, zinc and prebiotics to provide overall support to the immune system.
Lab research shows zinc can stop some viruses from multiplying and may also help shorten the duration of a common cold. As Liz explains, given the immune-supporting properties of zinc, it seems sensible to ensure we have plenty in our daily diet.
“Sources of zinc include red meat, chicken, baked beans, chickpeas and nuts (such as cashews and almonds),” she says.
“Another way to top up is with a supplement. One of my favourites is by Wild Nutrition, and comes in an easy-to-take capsule.”
Fresh ginger tea with local honey
Fresh ginger has been found to be anti-viral (albeit in a test tube trial), specifically against a human respiratory virus. It’s also been shown to help support our natural immune system response.
“As in most cold and flu seasons, I keep a teapot with a chunk of peeled root ginger cut into slices on the go most days,” says Liz. “I top up with hot water and a small spoonful of local honey to infuse throughout the day. It’s even delicious to drink when the pot has gone cold.”
Lactoferrin is a protein found in the milk of most mammals.
“It’s an extraordinary ingredient that mothers give to make sure newborns are getting optimal immunity,” says Liz. “It helps protect young mammals before their bodies have had the chance to build up their own immunity. It’s antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, making it a brilliant support for the immune system and a great defence against infection.”
Lactoferrin can also stimulate our own innate immunity. The protein improves the response from our white blood cells, which our bodies naturally use to fight infection. By recruiting other cells for support, lactoferrin ensures a fast and effective response to harmful invaders.
Supplements can help to boost levels of the protein in the body. Liz takes Leapfrog Immune that also contains zinc and vitamin C for a potent infection-fighting trio.
Vitamin D3
“This is an essential nutrient to supplement,” explains Liz. “It’s so very important for us, especially at times of the year when we spend much more time indoors and don’t have the opportunity to synthesise through the sun on our skin.”
Vitamin D plays an important role in modulating our innate and adaptive immune responses. A lowered amount increases our susceptibility to infection.
“I prefer liquid forms that spray into the mouth or drop under the tongue for faster absorption,” Liz says. “BetterYou’s Vitamin D supplement with added K2 is particularly good. This is another super-useful antioxidant that helps support the immune system by protecting macrophages (white blood cells) and also works to support and enhance the efficiency of vitamin D.”
Fish oils
The omega-3 group of essential fatty acids are perhaps best known for brain health and cognitive function, but also play a clear role in supporting our immune system too.
“It seems the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may help to boost the immune system by enhancing the function of our immune cells, especially DHA, and by having an anti-inflammatory effect,” says Liz.
“I particularly like Wild Nutrition’s Pure Strength Omega-3. This is responsibly sourced so as to better protect our oceans and seafood supplies.”
Staying hydrated
As Liz explains, it’s important to stay hydrated and avoid the headaches that so often come with dehydration.
“This is especially the case if we are running a temperature,” she says. “Drinking plenty of water is also important to help keep our body systems functioning well.
“I keep a water bottle on the go at all times and carry this around the house with me. I’m constantly pouring glasses of water for others in my family too and handing them out whenever I see them!”
A good night’s sleep
Liz has long championed the importance of getting a good night’s sleep each and every night. It’s a vital, but often overlooked, part of our immune system.
“We can only fight disease if we get enough rest and give our body high quality rest to restore and repair itself,” she says.
“During sleep, our immune system releases anti-inflammatory proteins called cytokines that help promote better sleep. We need sleep to help fight infectious diseases and studies show that patients who sleep well recover faster.
“Conversely, those who experience continual sleep deprivation or who have poor quality sleep (perhaps spending too much time late night scrolling on small screens?) have impaired immune responses that could be highly detrimental in the long term. My rule is to put the small screen down and switch it off after 9pm.”
Moderate exercise
Staying active is important for keeping our lymphatics moving (among other things) to clear away the waste matter the body needs to rid itself of on a daily basis. Exercise also decreases stress levels which in turn, helps reduce anxiety and protect our immune system.
“Keeping the body moving little and often is the message for better immunity,” says Liz. “A variety of moves and activities help to keep all our muscles strong and working well through the entire body, top to toe.”
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