
4 easy ways to help improve your wellbeing on a budget

Want to know how to improve your wellbeing on a budget?

Nowadays, looking after your wellbeing can quickly run up costs. But it doesn’t have to be that way, especially if you know what’s worth your money – and what’s not.

From ways to support your gut health to incorporating movement into your day-to-day (no expensive gym membership needed), here are four budget-busting wellbeing hacks.

How to improve your wellbeing while on a budget

Gut health

From better mental health to a stronger immune system, the links between our gut health and our overall wellbeing are becoming increasingly more evident.

Probiotics, prebiotics, and other gut supplements can quickly tally up costs. But there are other ways we can promote gut health on a budget.

Experts say that we should aim to eat at least 30 different plants every week to boost the diversity and health of our gut microbiome.

While that seems like a lofty target, it’s actually easier than you might think. Plant foods aren’t just fruits and veggies – fresh and dried herbs and spices, whole grains, nuts and seeds all count too.

You also don’t need to eat a specific amount for the plant to count towards your total either.

Read our tips on eating organic on a budget.


Exercise is fundamental to our wellbeing. But you don’t need an expensive monthly gym membership to keep fit and active.

Lots of fitness coaches upload free content to YouTube and other social media platforms that you can follow along with at home.

While lots of these videos require no equipment or just an exercise mat, you can purchase a few simple pieces such as a skipping rope, resistance band or adjustable dumbbells to level up your workouts.

Walking and running outside also won’t cost you a penny and you’ll get to enjoy the great outdoors, too. Bonus points if you’re able to get outdoors in the early morning. There is mounting evidence to suggest that morning sunlight helps us to sleep better at night, too.

Simple, effective skincare

It’s tempting to layer product after product in search of a healthy, glowing complexion.

But we can often do more harm than good, especially if we use ingredients that we shouldn’t use together.

Instead, a stripped back skincare routine can actually be more effective.

The basics of your skincare routine should include an effective cleanser, serum and/or moisturiser, and an SPF all suited to your skin type. You can use a retinol in the evening if fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation are a concern for you.

We also tend to apply more product than necessary, too. A pea-sized amount of serum and a blueberry-sized serving of cleanser and moisturiser is plenty to avoid waste.

Mental health

Prioritising your mental health is an important pillar of your wellbeing. Looking out for your own mental wellbeing can have a huge impact on your health and happiness.

We’re not talking expensive trips to a spa or top of the range beauty products.

Make time to practice self-care that leaves you feeling good, whether that’s going for a morning walk, setting boundaries with your loved-ones or switching off your phone for a portion of the day.

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