Healthy Skin

Liz’s tips for smooth and radiant skin

Follow Liz’s tried and trusted advice for protecting skin and keeping it smooth, soft and radiantly clear.

smoothing skin for spring from Liz Earle Wellbeing

Start body brushing

Body brushing is an invigorating way to start the day, while also getting rid of ingrained dirt and dead skin. Just a few moments of brushing sloughs off skin debris (including any excess mineral oil-based products we may slather onto our skin), eliminating toxins that contribute to dry skin issues. Body brushing also boosts circulation, giving skin a rosy glow and increasing the blood flow to our extremities – great for icy toes! Choose a natural bristle brush and always brush towards your heart to encourage better circulation. Once done, shower, moisturise and enjoy the satisfying smoothness of your skin.
Give your body an extra beauty boost with Liz’s homemade lavender body scrub.

Cut out caffeine and alcohol

As days begin to get shorter, you may notice your coffee intake creeping up. This is not good news for our skin due to its dehydrating effects. Try changing to one mug a day before swapping over to a cup of warm water and lemon juice, or a cleansing herbal tea. Alcohol also dehydrates the skin, so make an effort to cut your intake down and drink more water instead – it has tremendous benefits for skin, as well as overall body health, helping to reduce any headaches and fatigue.


Moisturising helps to protect the outer layers of the skin and combat water loss. Ensure the product you choose can be easily absorbed without leaving a greasy layer and that it contains plenty of skin- friendly ingredients such as essential fatty acids, vitamins (notably vitamin E) and botanical extracts. If your skin is feeling sore, avoid fragranced products, which can exacerbate sensitive skin – even natural essential oils can cause problems for some. Massage your chosen moisturiser (Liz’s favourite is this one from Beauty Pie, and you can save £10 off your first month or your first annual fee with the code LIZLOVES at checkout) over clean skin to keep it hydrated, adding a second layer if needed.

Eat nuts and seeds

It’s always wise to carry a handful of nuts and seeds with you so you’re not tempted to reach for a less healthy snack. These powerhouses of health are packed with skin-friendly nutrition, including good-quality plant protein, essential fatty acids, minerals and – most importantly – skin- plumping vitamin E. Bake a nut loaf for supper, make your own energy bars, or put a few chopped nuts on your salad. Include nuts in your daily diet and you’ll never turn back from this quick skin-saving snack.

Take skin supplements

Busy lives lived on the run make it hard to ensure we’re getting all our vital vitamins and minerals, and may mean turning to supplements in order to top-up a shortfall. Try essential fatty acid (EFA) supplements (look for Omega-3 from fish oils and GLA from evening primrose oil), multi-vitamins, vitamin E, chlorella or spirulina, collagen and probiotics to help keep your skin glowing from within.

Loved this? Read more skin-saving tips here:

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Wellbeing Wisdom

  • Body brushing can boost circulation, helping to increase blood flow and giving you glowing skin
  • Cut down on alcohol as it can dehydrate the skin – try drinking more water instead
  • Nuts and seeds contain skin-friendly nutrition, including skin-plumping vitamin E