Detox (Wellbeing Quick Guide)


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After an indulgent period – such as Christmas and New Year – many of us feel (and see) the tell-tale signs of too much unhealthy food and drink, such as a distinct lack of energy or skin that looks dull and is suffering from breakouts. With so many rich, sweet foods to indulge in, it’s easy for our bodies to become overloaded with toxins – not just from the obvious alcohol or tobacco smoke, but from processed foods, trans-fats and sugar. Our systems simply clog up and are unable to function at their best.

A detox is the perfect opportunity to revitalise the body and encourage it back into good shape, renew energy levels and restore glowing skin. If it’s done properly, detoxing for a clearer mind and body need only take a few days – the perfect quick and easy kick-start to a healthy new eating regime or a few months of focused weight loss.

In Liz’s newly revised Detox e-book, you’ll learn about the effects of common toxins and pollutants on our health and why even the most virtuous among us can benefit from a cleanse from within every once in a while. Packed with Liz’s trusted advice and expertise, it features easy-to-follow 3-day, 7-day and 21-day detox programmes with suggested meal plans and recipes, alongside useful supplements, herbs, treatments, massage techniques and exercise to help you purify your body back to great health.